Tips on Designing The Best Business Card
Most of the business cards distributed amongst the customers are thrown out by them pretty soon. But that doesn’t necessarily mean the cards are an ineffective means of business marketing. Using only 2000 business cards can help increase your company’s sales by over 3%. That is a lot considering how affordable business cards have become these days. So, why do so many cards are trashed?
Well, that is because most of the business cards have not so good designs. No one would want to hold on to something that looks and feels cheap. That is why businesses these days aren’t getting enough returns by investing on business cards.
You can avoid this mistake by getting the cards designed in a great way. This will make the cards attractive, and the recipient will like to hold on to the card for a long time.
Do Some Research
It is a good step to do the needed research in order to know what you should be putting on your business card. You should talk to your card designer and let them know your goals. The designer will be able to visualize the perfect business card according to your needs, and might as well should you some templates to choose from before starting the actual card generation process.
Know What to Include on Your Card
After selecting the template for your card, the second, and maybe the last step is choosing what you should include on your card. You can use your company name a title on the card, logo, your own name as the owner, phone number, email and URL of your website. If there is any space left, you can include your social media pages’ names on the card as well.
When it comes to choosing the material, you should choose metal. You can even get free metal card samples before ordering them in bulk.